In accordance with a call issued by thirty-one of the leading colored men of New England, a convention of colored people assembled at the Twelfth Baptist Church, Southac st., 2d inst., for the purpose of choosing delegates to attend the next session of Congress at Washington, with the hope of affecting its action on the subject of “Reconstruction”. They wish also to have the Constitution so altered as to fix a general qualification for voters, in all the States; to have settled what is citizenship, in an American sense; and to look to all matters concerning the colored man, and his status in the land.
The Convention was called to order by Mr. Geo. L. Ruffin. Rev. L.A. Grimes was chosen Temporary Chairman, and G.L. Ruffin, Temporary Secretary………………….The Committee on Permanent Organization reported and officers of the Convention chosen including the President — C. L. Remond, of Salem……………………..
One resolution passed included these word: “….to influence the legislation of Congress, so that in its action it may not give “color to the idea” “that black men have no rights that white men are bound to respect.”
(Liberator, December 8, 1865, pg 2)