Boston, July26, 1859      Dear Friend Garrison:  My friend, Charles H. Morse, Esq., whose zeal as a collector of autographs and relics of the olden time is well known hereabouts, has put into my hands a copy of the Boston Gazette Weekly Journal of Tuesday, November 20, 1750,, which, among other curious items of Massachusetts history, contains the following advertisement:        ‘Runaway from his master, William Brown, of Framingham, on the 30th of September last, a mulatto fellow, about 27 years of age, named Crispus……………..It seems that Crispus was imbued with the spirit of liberty  declaring independence of his master.  He came to Boston, and worked in a ropewalk at the North End, where he railed the men to the attack of the English forces in King street, himself being the first martyr (though a slave) in that struggle which resulted in liberty to these United States – securing to them the boon they have denied to his race…….It is somewhat remarkable, that although the impetus to the American revolution was undeniably given on the 5t of March, 1770, yet by some persons, at the present day this fact is wholly ignored. ….. Now, without the least desire to disparage the influence of the battles of Lexington and Concord upon the revolutionary struggle, they cannot totally they cannot with justice be called the scenes of the first blow for liberty, unless the 19thg of April, 1776, precedes in the calendar March 5th, 1770.

Yours for justice to Crispus Attucks    WILLIAM C. NELL

(Liberator, August 5, 1859, pg 4)