From the New Bedford Morning Register — Treatment of Mr. Ruggles — A meeting was held to take into consideration the outrage recently committed upon the person of David Ruggles of New York, at the railroad Depot in this town. Mr. Ruggles on the afternoon of July 6th proceeded to the Depot of the New Bedford and Taunton Branch to take passage for Boston. He procured a ticket for which he paid two dollars … took a set in a car without opposition. One Conductor ordered him to leave, which he refused to do. The Superintendent of the company, with 2 or 3 others violently assaulted Ruggles, tearing his clothes and dragging him from his seat, and out of the car. He demanded his trunk which had been placed in the baggage car, but the train proceeded to Boston, and he has not yet recovered it…. (Liberator, July 23, 1841, pg 2)
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