To the Editor of the Liberator
Sir – Having been prompted, by the inquiries of the Journal & Tribune, to make some researches respecting the circumstances of the death of Walker, author of a flagitious pamphlet, so called; I have spared no pains to obtain correct information relative thereto. The result has not been very satisfactory to me, and probably will not be to the public.
The most I can learn is, that some one or more, recently returned from the south, spread a report in this city that a reward of $3000* was offered by southern planters to any one who would take the life of Walker. The report is believed by many of our population, who have no higher source of intelligence, to be true. Many well-informed persons of color there are, however, who have a strong suspicion that Walker came to his end otherwise than by a visual visitation of the Providence of God. Whether this suspicion be groundless or not, is a question–a question, too, under circumstances hard to be answered. In cases of law, presumptive evidence, I believe, is valid. Why not in this case?…..If murder and robbery, with their correspondent evils, are practiced by the refined part of society, ought it to be thought a wonder that a man,like Walker, should fall a victim to the vengeance of the public? Is it not well known by individuals,that the whole country has set the example for them for centuries, by imbruing their hands in innocent blood? Is it not the language of the country to every individual, ‘GO, AND DO LIKEWISE?’
A Colored Bostonian
*We have heard the sum stated as high as $30,000, from a credible source. Ed.
(Liberator, January 22,1831, pg 2)