
June 29, 1849

Under the title, Slavery and the Union,  there is reference to the Richmond Whig, which in parallel columns, has included an extract from the Columbia (S.C.) Telescope,  in favor of disunion, and in another column resolutions adopted at a recent AASS, showing  “..at a glance that both these fanatics propose to carry their points in one way, and one only.  The one would secure the institution of slavery by it, and the other destroy it.  Both of these objects cannot be attained, of course, by the same means; but of the two, it appears to us that Mr. Quincy has much the clearest view of the subject, for it is certain that nothing so much as disunion would secure the destruction of Southern institutions.”

The editor comments:  “Just so – the confession is as honest as it is true.  ‘The dissolution of the Union is the abolition of slavery,’ said Mr. Arnold, of Tennessee, on the floor of Congress.  Without the North, it is certain the South would be unable to keep the slaves in their chains an hour.  Down, then, with the Union!”

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