June 12, 1857
Under the Refuge of Oppression column, from the Delaware Democrat, a few words to give its flavor: “William Lloyd Garrison, the notorious nigger-worshipper, blasphemer, and disunionist, lectured at the Odd Fellow’s Hall, of this city, on his old hobby – negro slavery. The audience was not large, and consisted of broken-down Abolitionists, with a sparse sprinkling of women, boys and niggers. …. The cowardly inconsistencies of this national traitor and anglo-ethiopian amalgamation champion was the only remarkable feature of his discourse….But this puppy is scarcely worth our notice; we will therefore give him a kick, and let him go.”
In the same edition, two other columns include Garrison, in a speech in Boston, commenting on the Delaware appearance. In one, he indicates that while, his main work is in the North, it is necessary to go South “to find out what progress has been made”, and in another column, there is a further recounting of the experience in Delaware. He comments on the language by which the press in Delaware has condemned him. He concludes: “.. it is the North, and not the South, with which this great controversy is to be carried on and settled. Let her but withdraw her religious sanction and governmental union with the South, and it will not be in the power of the latter to maintain its piratical institution a single hour, unaided and alone. Give us the North, and the South Cannot keep back.”
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