Hon. Henry Willson. The Washington Star, of Tuesday, pays Senator Wilson of Massachusetts the following well deserved compliment” — “Senator Wilson deserves the thanks of the country for the manner in which he has discharged the duties of the chairmanship of the Senate’s Military Committee, during the recently called session of Congress. Never before have they been so arduous. He has had devolved on him the task of arranging the details of and maturing nearly every bearing on the military service of the Government, which he has discharged with remarkable energy, perspicacity, tact and industry, to the entire satisfaction not only of the President, the Secretary of War and the Commander-in-Chief, (with whom it has been necessary for him to be in constant communication with reference to them,) b;ut also to the entire satisfaction of Congress; a rare achievement indeed…..
(Liberator, Aug 30, 1861, pg 3)HH