Independence Day in Boston

Independence Day in Boston.    The eighty-seven anniversary of American Independence  was celebrated in this city, on Saturday last, by the ringing of bells, the firing of national salutes, balloon ascensions, fireworks. &c.  Everything went off happily, the city being thronged with visitors.  An immense assembly filled the Academy of Music to hear the City Oration by Prof. Oliver Wendell Holmes, and warmly responded to its patriotic sentiments.  For scholarly ability and eloquent utterance of the noblest sentiments, such as the times demand, and for searching analysis of the causes of the rebellion, it is worthy of high praise.  It is the best oration, as a whole, ever delivered in Boston on the Fourth of July. We will publish extracts from it hereafter.

                        (Liberator. July 10, 1863, pg 3)