At a meeting of the friends of immediate emancipation of slaves in the United States, held at Chatham-street Chapel, Oct 2, at half past seven o’clock, John Rankin was chosen Chairman, and Abraham Cox, M.D. Secretary.
….A committee appointed at a preliminary meeting, then offered a draft of a Constitution, which was read, and its principles discussed, when the same was unanimously adopted, and is as follows:…….Constitution of the New York Anti-Slavery Society ……
Officers of the Society: Arthur Tappan, President; William Green, Jr., Vice-President; Elizur Wright, Jr., Cor. Secretary; Charles W. Denison, Rec. Sec. Managers: Joshua Leavitt, Isaac T. Hopper, Abraham L.Cox, M.D., Lewis Tappan, William Goodell,
(Liberator, Oct 19, 1833, pg 3)