On return from London convention

A letter appears from Garrison, upon his return from London:

“On the London Convention I shall speak without reserve in future numbers of The Liberator.  It was anything but a free anti-slavery meeting.  It was a body in London, who having invited  the abolitionists of America to meet the abolitionists of all the world in convention, most unjustly decreed that a portion of their delegates should not be recognized on that occasion.  In excluding any one of the delegates of the American Anti- Slavery Society from a seat in the convention, the credentials of all of them were virtually dishonored; for they all stood on the same ground,  and all acted by the same authority…..If there be any one act of my life of which I am particularly proud, it is in refusing to join such a body, on terms which were manifestly reproachful to my constituents, and unjust to the cause of liberty…..”   Then he goes on to recognize his friends Rogers, Adams, and Remond, who  “nobly refused to let their names be placed upon the roll of the convention, although strongly importuned to join it.”

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