The Rev. J. Sella Martin, of this city, was well received in England, where he was engaged in upholding the Union cause. He had done more for that cause in England than has been done by any white American, and the English naturally listen to him more readily than they would to white men, most of the latter not speaking adversely to slavery. Mr. Martin vindicates the course of the North in all respects. At Ipswich, three clergymen threw their pulpits open to him, and he had crowded congregations at all three services. Two days later, he made a long address to a numerous audience, the Mayor of Ipswich presiding; and a unanimous vote of thanks was adopted at the meeting. Let him be remembered, and let not the liberality of the English in these instances be forgotten! —Boston Traveller
(Liberator, Feb 21, 1862, pg 3)