The Washington Globe contains a full report of a very able and impressive speech made in the U.S. Senate on the 23d ult., by Hon. Charles Sumner, in favor of the recognition of the independence of Hayti and Liberia. To use his own expressive words: – “Slavery in the national capital is now abolished: it remains that this other triumph shall be achieved.” Nothing but the sway of a slaveholding despotism on the floor of Congress, hitherto, has prevented the adoption of this righteous measure; and now that that despotism has been exorcised, no time should be lost by Congress to see it carried into immediate execution. All other civilized nations have ceased to make complexion a badge of superiority or inferiority in the matter of nationality; and we should make haste, therefore, to repair the injury we have done, as a republic in refusing to recognize Liberian and Haytian independence.
(Liberator, May 2, 1862, pg 2)