A TRIBUTE TO THE LATE COL. SHAW Beaufort, S.C., July 27, 1863
To the colored soldiers and freedmen in this Department: It is fitting that you should pay a last tribute of respect to the memory of the late Col. Robert Gould Shaw, Colonel of the 54th regiment of Mass. Volunteers. He commanded the first regiment of colored soldiers from a free State ever mustered into the United States service…………..He fell at the head of his regiment, while leading a storming party against the rebel stronghold. ……The truths and principles for which he fought and died still live, and will be vindicated on the spot where he fell, by the ditch into which his mangled and bleeding body was thrown, on the soil of South Carolina. I trust that you will honor yourselves and his glorious memory by appropriating the first proceeds of your labor as freemen towards erecting an enduring monument to the hero, soldier, martyr, Robert Gould Shaw
(Liberator, Aug 7, 1863, pg 3)