The Annexation of Roxbury. That there is a powerful sentiment in favor of union on the part of thousands of our best citizens is clear, and we cannot but feel that their views are worthy of profound respect. No less than seven thousand and three hundred signatures are appended to the petitions now before our Legislature, twenty-three hundred of them being those of the leading merchants of Boston, headed by such men as Francis Skinner & Co., J. M. Beebe, the partners of A.& A. Lawrence & Co., and others of equal weight. Nearly three thousand of the tradesmen, professional men, artisans and laborers of Boston have added their names to the list. The remaining two thousand petitioners represent all classes and conditions of people in Roxbury.
We trust that the Legislature will grant the required bill, that the question may be definitely settled. – Boston Traveller.
(Liberator, March 24, 1865, pg 3)