Anti-Slavery Society, Bowdoin College, opposes colonization


“The following is an extract of a letter, which we received a short time since, from a student at this College:”‘It gives me great pleasure to inform you, that in this College you have a number, though small, opposed to the measures pursued by the African Colonization Society.  The cause of immediate and total abolition is gaining ground every day.  There are those that hesitate not to declare their opinion in relation to this all-important subject.  In order that we may successfully meet the opposers of this grand work, it is necessary that we should make every exertion to obtain facts  — with facts the people must be convinced…..  An Auxiliary to the New England Anti-Slavery Society has already been formed , which we hope will be the means of doing much for the advancement of our common object.”

                                                    (Liberator, July 20, 1833, pg3)