The day is at hand. Another year’s experience of freedom in the British West Indies has added its concurrent testimony to the overwhelming mass of evidence previously existing, that immediate emancipation is the safest and best remedy for slavery……………………..Let every man and woman, who love the Anti-Slavery cause, advertise these meetings to the extent of their ability, and call upon their friends and acquaintances to lay asie ordinary business and pleasure, that this one day may be devoted to the slave ………….We expect large meetings; and we shall do our best to provide those who attend them with sound and thorough-going anti-slavery truth.
The places of meetings are: Danvers New Mills, Essex County; Lowell, Middlesex County; Waltham, Middlesex County; Dedham, Norfolk County; Duxbury, Plymouth County; Fall River, Bristol County; Leicester, Worcester County.
Charles K. Whipple, General Agent
(Liberator, July 25, 1845, pg 3)