We are happy to inform the friends if admirers of Mr. Phillips, at home and abroad, that marble bust of him has just been completed by Mr. John A. Jackson, which is so extremely life-like as to leave nothing to be desired, being a masterly effort of artistic genius and skill. Mr. Jackson bids fair to take a very high rank in his profession, and deserves the most liberal encouragement on the part of our wealthy citizens. Those who wish to see this admirable bust are invited to call at Mr. Jackson’s studio, in School Street, where they can see a clay model of the head of Rev. Dr. Lyman Beecher, which is also a very remarkable likeness. This bust of Mr. Phillips has been secured by a number of his friends, and is designed for some public institution yet to be determined upon. Copies of it, in plaster, can be obtained of Mr. Jackson — price $10
(Liberator, Oct 19, 1855, pg 2)