The call for the formation of an Anti-Slavery Society, in this city, is daily becoming more earnest and frequent. No truth is more self-evident than that moral power, like physical, must be consolidated to be efficient. The world is to be reformed through the instrumentality of societies, which shall be actuated by the principles of universal benevolence, and open to the inspection of the public. The temperance reformation in our land as received its impetus mainly from temperance association. The British Anti-Slavery Society has almost entirely revolutionized public sentiment in Great Britain. What progress can be made at home in the cause of abolition, without the adoption of similar measures?
It is extremely desirable that the friends of the slaves in Boston should know and commune with each other, preparatory to a general organization. Such of them as are ready to form an Anti-Slavery Society, are requested to leave their names with the Editor of the Liberator. …..
(Liberator, December 17, 1831, pg 1)