“From a letter to the editor of the Michigan Observer — I have just received a letter from a highly valued friend in Mississippi, who says, ‘I was recently conversing…
Category: <span>Abolition – Southern</span>
September 29, 1843 Here are two brief items, one from Kentucky, one from Maryland, from the Rochester Evening Post, each used to indicate that Anti-Slavery is advancing in the South.
February 22, 1856 A letter to Samuel May, Jr., name of writer and place from which it comes omitted. In it the writer asks for more copies of The Liberator,…
April 24, 1863 A crowded meeting at Faneuil Hall hears Gen. A. J. Hamilton, of Texas. “He showed that the South, before the rebellion, had always carried its point, and…
June 26, 1863 A large and enthusiastic meeting was held at the African Church. Resolutions passed “acknowledge the hand of God in the great events which are now taking place”,…