Account of an August 3rd gathering at the Belknap Street Church. “Owing to the insufficiency of the building to accommodate all who would have gladly been present, but few, save…
Category: <span>British Abolition</span>
Notice of action by the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, in London, which takes a strong action to “enter a solemn protest against the recognition of the independence of Texas…
March 17, 1843 Commenting on a copy of the Third Annual Report of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, here is the following: “Referring to the treachery of the…
June 19, 1846 The Executive Committee of the American Anti-Slavery Society, responds to an invitation from the Glasgow Emancipation Society, asking Garrison to visit that country on an “anti-slavery…
July 24, 1846 An article about Garrison’s trip, tells of the numerous people who were at the wharf to bid him well. It also calls attention to the fact that,…