Decease of J. G. Barbadoes Intelligence has been received that our late worthy colored fellow-citizen, Mr. James G. Barbaoes, died at St. Ann’s Bay, (Jamaica), on the 22d of June last, of the ‘West India fever’, aged 45. Mr. Barbadoes was among the emigrants who went from this section of the country, last year to the island of Jamaica, hoping to better his condition; but, in common with them, he soon found that he had been duped by the flattering representations that had been held out by persons in the pay of the West India proprietors. Two of his children died before him. His afflicted widow, with the remainder of her family, is now probably on her way to Boston…….Mr. Barbadoes was one of the signers of the Declaration of Sentiments of the National Anti-Slavery Convention, held in Philadelphia, in 1833……. Mr. Barbadoes, on his way to the Convention, was compelled (though in a feeble state of health) to remain on the deck of a Providence steam-boat all night, without shelter, in the wintry month of December; in consequence of which exposure, he was prostrated with sickness for many weeks, and perhaps never fully recovered from the effects of it to the day of his death. So brutal, so murderous, is the spirit of prejudice in this country toward our fee colored population.
(Liberator, August 6, 1841, pg 3)