Extract from a letter from a gentleman in Indiana:
“Sir — You will please forward to me, at this place, a copy of your paper, as speedily as you can. I am a friend of emancipation, and have left a slave state and settled here, in consequence of my opposition to slavery; and since my location here, have published 500 pamphlets, in opposition to that tyrannical and unchristian practice. I am gratified to see that there are some men in our enlightened and republican government, of sufficient firmness and courage to oppose a practice so disgraceful to our nation. “
From an individual in the State of New York:
“I have perused the Liberator with much pleasure and profit: it has enlightened my mind much. I had always before followed the principles of the Colonization Society — but I now follow them no more. The principles you advocate have not obtained much ground here yet, ad your paper is not circulated in this quarter; but there are some who have moral courage enough to come out and oppose long established opinions….
(Liberator, January 7, 1832 pg 3)