Calvin Fairbank, writing from Jeffersonville, Indiana “Public sentiment is more pro-slavery here than in Kentucky, because in Kentucky, many of the people re beginning to see the advantage of freedom over slavery, and many are convicted of their former sins on this point. Here, the people have not felt and seen its enormity, and being less with the colored people, they have become more prejudiced against them. …….Almost every one, in this vicinity, holds it to be his duty to devlier up the fugitive slave. Then the new State Constitution forbids any colored person coming into the State after November; and if, any do, all contracts made with them are declared null and void. …. What a state of things! Do send over men and women to labor here. … Send lecturers here, for man’s sake —- send them on! In hope of success, I remain, very truly, Yours for the slave, Calvin Fairbank (Liberator, November 7, 1851, pg 3)