MEETING IN FANEUIL HALL The old Cradle of Liberty Right Side Up !
The granting of Faneuil Hall to the anti-slavery citizens of Boston, after so many refusals on the part of the City Authorities, is to be regarded as one of the most cheering signs of the times, and will carry dismay to the remotest corners of the South. We knew that this event would come to pass in all due time. Although no prophet, nor the son of a prophet,yet, in the darkest hour of the anti-slavery enterprise — immediately after the great pro-slavery meeting held in Faneuil Hall in 1835, and just before we were so roughly handled by ‘five thousand gentlemen of property and standing’ — in a letter addressed by us to Harrison Gray Otis, we said among other things in defence of our good cause —–‘The SPIRIT OF SEVENTY-SIX shall yet rise from its ashes, and blot out that calumny! The cause of the bleeding slaves shall yet be pleaded in Faneuil Hall, in tones as thrilling, in language as stirring, in eloquence as irresistible, as were ever heard within its walls.!’
(Liberator, Feb 1, 1839, pg 3)