THE NATIONAL WOMAN’S RIGHTS CONVENTION — Held in Worcester, Oct 22d and 23d, 1851, adjourned, to meet in Syracuse,N. Y., Sept. 8th, 9th, and 10th, 1852.
The friends of equality, justice and truth, are earnestly invited to assemble there, at that time, to discuss the important questions of reform, technically termed Woman’s Rights.
We propose not only to review the past, and consider the present, but to mark out new and broader paths for the opening future.
The time has come not only for the examination and discussion of Woman’s social, civil and religious rights, but also for a thorough and efficient ogranization — a well-digested plan of operation, whereby these social rights, for which our fathers fought, bled and died, may be secured, and enjoyed by us. Let woman no longer supinely endure the evils she may escape, but with her own right hand carve out for herself a higher, nobler, destiny than has heretofore been hers. Inasmuch as through the folly and imbecility of woman, the race is what it is, dwarfed in mind and body, and as, through her alone, it can be redeemed, all are equally interested in the objects of this Convention. ….. Our platform will, as ever, be free to all who are capable of discussing the subject with seriousness, candor and truth.
On behalf of the Central Committee:
Elizabeth C. Stanton, Paulina W. Davis, William H. Channing, Lucy Stone, Samel J. May,
Papers friendly, please copy (Liberator, August 6, 1852, pg 3)