This thoroughly disciplined and heroic command – with the smoke of battle hardly yet removed from the garments of its brave members – was received by the people of Boston, this forenoon, with most spontaneous demonstrations of approval. The regiment came up from Gallo’s Island about nine o’clock, when a procession was immediately formed at Commercial Wharf in the following order: Platoon of Police,under the lead of Sergeant Dunn; Gilmore’s Band; Shaw Guards,Capt. Gaul; Germania Band; Rev. Mr.Grimes’ Society; Cambridge Band,(colored) escorting a delegation of citizens from Cambridge; Brigade Band; Members of the Fifty-Fourth; Band of the Regiment; the illustrious Fifty-Fifth – wounded veterans in carriages…………………………………………………………….………………………………………………….
(Liberator, September 9,1865, pg 3)