The Rights of Colored Persons.
An interesting and important case came before the Police Court of this city on Friday last. Henry Palmer, an agent for Madame Sonell-tag’s opera troupe, and Charles P. Philbrick, police officer were charged with assaulting Miss Sarah P. Remond, (sister of our well-known and eloquent friend, Chares Lenox Remond,) at the Howard Athenaeum, on Wednesday evening of last week. The testimony introduced proved that the complainant, with two friends, had procured tickets entitling them to seats in the Family Circle, to hear Madame Sontag in Don Pasquale; that they gave their tickets to the door-keeper, and received the customary checks, that, while proceeding quietly to their seats, they were met by Mr. Palmer, who (his delicate sensibilities being deeply moved !) forbade their taking their seats they had paid for; and that finally Miss Remond was unceremoniously pushed down stairs, to the injury of her dress and person.
(Liberator, May 13, 1853,pg 3)