As a fitting pendant to the proposed servile reply to South Carolina, we find, among Tuesday’s proceedings, a Resolution reported for taxing the people of Massachusetts to the tune of $10,000,. For a Statue to the man who disgraced and betrayed on the 7th of March, 18501! We are well aware of the disposition of the Whig minority which has control of the State, by accident; but we can hardly think even them insensate enough to do an act which they must know will be regarded as an insult by the majority of the people, and which will be remembered against every man that votes for it, as long as he lives. We trust Massachusetts will be saved from this degradation. If there must be a Statue erected to Mr. Webster, let it be paid for by the men who paid for him while he lived and owned him, and not the State he misrepresented. The Bank-parlor of the Merchants’ Bank, not the State House, is the proper place for such an image to be set up. —Q
(Liberator, April 29, 1853, pg 2)