SOJOURNER TRUTH Danvers Port, Sept 25, 1854 Dear Garrison: ” Our venerable friend, Sojourner Truth, has concluded a series of four meetings in this place, commencing on Saturday evenings and continuing through the Sabbath. Her meetings were well attended, especially the Sunday evening meeting, when the house was crowded to its utmost capacity. It is truly wonderful with what power this unlettered slave mother makes her appeals to the hearts and consciences of the people. She entertained and instructed her audience in a very effectual manner. Much good will no doubt result from her meetings. It is hoped that the friends of the slave will lend her a helping hand wherever she may go, for she is surely a very efficient laborer in the anti-slavery field.” Yours for the right. ….. Joseph Merrill (Liberator, October 6, 1854, pg3)