Texas, Mexico, and relations to U.S.

Much in these issues about Texas, Mexico, and relations to U.S.   One item in this issue, for instance, includes quotes from General Houston’s letter to General Dunlap, of Nashville.  This is from the editor of the New York Sun, who says, “There is but one feeling in Texas, in my opinion, and that is to establish the independence of Texas, and to be attached to the United States,   ….  Then extensive comment seems to represent the view that fighting for Texas to become a part of the U.S., if accomplished, will eventually lead to a dissolution of the union.  It assumes there will an increase of slavery, and the slave states will eventually “cut asunder the federal ties, which they have long held with ungracious and unfraternal fingers … If this be true, then the sooner Texas becomes the wedge which shall divide the Union, the better for the cause of liberty.  Already are the sacred rights of free public discussion, and of a free press, prostrated in the northern states to the influence of the southern, and either the latter must give up their slaves, or we must be added to the number.  The annexation of Texas may save us from this; but it is upon this ulterior effect , and this only, that we can admit the cause of Texas to be the cause of liberty.”

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