Well Done, Rhode Island !!!!


Other States have done nobly, but thou excellest them all !  It is with unfeigned pleasure that we set aside other matter, that we may give place to the following call for an Anti-Slavery Convention to be held in Providence on the 2d of February next.  It is signed by 850 names of gentlemen from all the towns in the State, excepting two.  Such an invitation will doubtless be accepted.  ….. We especially rejoice in the summoning of this meeting, at the present time; which our southern brethren are endeavoring to intimidate the people of the north.  We rejoice in every movement which goes to satisfy the nation, that the discussion of Slavery cannot be arrested.  It will go on.  It will go on with increasing earnestness, (though we trust with less and less brute violence,) until the rights of our enslaved countrymen are recognized and secured.   (The characteristic Finger points to three columns of names of delegate listed by town.)

                                                (Liberator, Jan 16, 1836, pg 2)