BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Another Insurrection !
North Caroline is thrown into a high fever! The Avenger is abroad, scattering desolation and death in his path! An insurrection has broken out among the slaves near Wilmington, the town is reported to be burnt, and seventeen families murdered! ! At the last accounts, the insurgents were slaying and burning all before them, and women and children were flying in every direction almost distracted. All business was at a stand — the militia were assembling — persons of all ages and ranks had volunteered their services — Raleigh and Fayetteville had been put in a state in preparation for war . It was thought there was a general concert among the blacks to an alarming extent. ………………………
Then comments by the Editor —
We have no room for particulars — not even for comments . So much for oppression! So much for gradual emancipation! So much for the happiness of the slaves! So much for the security of the South! Where now are our white boasters of liberty? Let the blood that is now flowing rest upon the advocates of war — war upon the heads of the oppressors and their apologists. Yea, God will require it at their hands. MEN MUST BE FREE !…………………
(Liberator, Sept., 24, 1831, pg 3)