Friday Morning, Jan. 1, 1841 A new Volume
We commence, this day, the eleventh volume of the Liberator. Ten years, therefore, have transpired, since we unfurled our standard to the breeze. Would to heaven that there were no longer any occasion for it! – that liberty had been proclaimed to all the inhabitants of the country! — that an end had been put to slavery and the slave trade forever! But, alas! More than half a million of victims have been added to the slave population during this brief period, and nearly as many have gone down to the grave and to the bar of God, as swift witnesses against the white inhabitants of the land! ……Yet not in vain have we lifted up the banner of emancipation. Hundreds of thousands have rallied under it, determined to ‘do or die’ for the abolition of slavery, and a mighty work of preparation for an approaching jubilee has been accomplished. We are at least ten years nearer that glorious result than when we commenced our labors. …. There is no cause for despondency…..
(Liberator,Jan 1, 1841, pg 2)