We learn that the house of ARTHUR TAPPAN, ESQ., in New Haven , (the summer residence of his family) a few nights since, in his absence, was rudely assailed by some vile fellows who gave utterance to their malice in words the most obscene and blasphemous, mingled with “Magdalen’ ‘Immediate Emancipation’ &c. &c. and concluded BY STONING THE HOUSE !!!! This daring outrage has occasioned some sensation in that city, although the New Haven papers are silent on the subject —- The authors are unknown, but it is conjectured they were southern medical students. It may be safely affirmed, that no man in the nation is doing so much for the temporal and eternal happiness of his fellow-men as Arthur Tappan; And yet no man is so constantly assailed in his character by miscreants and libelers…………
SHORT METRE The following laconic epistle has been received from Lowell. The information which it gives afflicts us less than the postage — six cents.
‘Sir — If you persist in publishing your infamous Liberat0r one month longer, assassination awaits you. Think not that you can avoid the blow; as poison will accomplish, what the dagger may fail of effecting.——REVENGE! ‘
(Liberator, October 22, 1831, pg 3)