Category: <span>1832</span>

A long article, by the above title, ends on the second page, with these words:  “What  Must Be Done? … There are three modes in which slavery can be overthrown:…

1832 Anti-Slavery Organizations

“As a people, we of New England, are lamentably ignorant of the subject of slavery, but even our ignorance is exceeded by our apathy.  When we hear of the cruel…

1832 Complicity of North

1832 Females

1832 Adams, John Quincy

Here are portions of a letter by Thomas Jefferson, which was read in the Virginia Legislature by T. J. Randolph, grandson of Jefferson, who claimed that the letter “furnished new evidence…


1832 Toussaint & Washington

1832 Slavery effects on whites

At the bottom of the page, without comment, attribution, or signature: “The whole system of slavery is essentially and radically bad—injustice and oppression are its fundamental principles; whatever lenity may…

1832 Slavery

In a long section  “Tour of the Editor” in his visit to Providence, Garrison comments on seeing Moses Brown:   “ I made a short visit to the venerable Moses Brown,…

1832 Brown, Moses

An Executor’s notice of sale of real estate, signed by Primus Hall, Executor, Oct 30. Daniel Hersey, Auctioneer  Land measurements are given .. land on a court leading from Belknap…

1832 Hall, Primus

Notice of meeting of GCA to be held on Nov 28th to consider petitioning Congress to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia … signed by Thomas Dalton, President, and…

1832 General Colored Association

1832 Nullification

May 19, 1832 An article from the Vermont Chronicler, indicates that in Mexico, “immediately upon declaration of independence, a law was passed by the general government for the abolition of…

1832 Abolition - Mexico

January 7, 1832 In a section of Correspondence, the Editor calls attention to “the reward so daringly offered by the Senate of Georgia for our abduction, is thus noticed by…