June 5, 1863 A detailed description the departure includes the route of the parade through the streets, the review by Governor Andrew, Frederick Douglass passing among the troops , bidding…
Category: <span>Fifty-Fourth Regiment</span>
July 31, 1863 An account of the assault, including the 54th Massachusetts Regiment is quite detailed, and affirms the bravery of the unit, and the large loss of life.
August 7, 1863 Here is more on the attack, and one specially titled, “Tribute to the Late Col. Shaw”
July 21, 1865 A brief notice indicating that these two colored regiments are soon to be mustered out of the U. S. service, “and may soon be expected home”.
September 8, 1865 The men of the Regiment have been paid, received their final pay, and been received back in Boston. Their ship docked at Commercial Wharf, and the route…