The editor comments on the beginning of his work, recalling his work with Benjamin Lundy, and indicates that since he started his work at twenty-three years of age, “we are…
Category: <span>1865</span>
January 13, 1865 A celebration of the second anniversary of the Proclamation was held at the Twelfth Baptist Church, Southac Street. The presence of Sen. Wilson is especially noted. The…
January 20, 1865 At a Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Masons meeting, a letter from Gov. Andrew to Hayden, is read. With the letter, the Gov. sends “a gavel made…
January 20, 1865 Here is an item from L.M.C. (Presumably L. Maria Child), in which she tells of viewing a bust of Col. Shaw, created by Lewis. “I thought the…
January 27, 1865 The editor writes of the time when he and those who agreed with him “stood alone” in the matter of demanding immediate and unconditional emancipation. The November…
February 3, 1865 “It is with devout thanksgiving to God, and emotions of joy which no language can express, that we announce to our readers the passage through the U.S.…
February 17, 1865 From Harper’s Weekly, this article commends that “Missouri has emancipated herself; Illinois has thrown off her black laws.”, and then hopes that New York and other states…
March 3, 1865 This article, by C. K. W., tells of a meeting at the Melodeon, at which physicians and others spoke of the work done at this hospital. “Another…
March 10, 1865 The Address is printed here, with this introduction: “It is without a parallel for brevity, and also for the contrite spirit and reverent recognition of the chastising…
March 17, 1865 ‘The steps of the slave auction-block were placed upon the stage, and in front of the organ were suspended the large gilt letters: “MART”, which was the…
March 24, 1865 The article printed here is from the Boston Traveller, and gives high praise to Garrison. The occasion of the article is the statement that Garrison intended to…
March 24, 1865 L. Maria Child, sends this letter, written to her by Channing. The author speaks of the Inaugural Address: “To my judgment the Speech stands isolated amidst the…
March 24, 1865 The ninety-fifth Anniversary of the martyrdom of Attucks, was celebrated in a large gathering. William Cooper Nell was among several speakers. Among others recognized is John S.…
March 24, 1865 This article indicates that a bill for Equal School Rights has passed the House of Representatives, and though action by the Senate has been postponed until the…
April 7, 1865 In debate of a bill providing for a bust of the late Judge Taney, to be placed in the Supreme Court Room, Sumner comments at some length,…
April 7, 1865 Frederick Douglass is featured speaker.
April 14, 1865 The article tells of the invitation by from Secretary of War Stanton, inviting Garrison to be present at the re-raising of the Flag of the United States,…
April 14, 1865 A whole column of the paper consists of communications between Secretary of War Stanton, Generals Grant and Lee, relative to a meeting for surrender and peace.
April 21, 1865 The interior pages of the paper are lined between each column with black the length of the page. These pages are filled with news on The Assassination…
April 28, 1865 Here is the beginning of an account by the editor of his visit to Fort Sumter, for the raising of the flag there.
April 28, 1865 This article signed by “M”, expresses hope in regard to what the new President will do in regard to Reconstruction. “…we have strong reasons for anticipating the…
April 28, 1865 A brief, simple announcement of the completed medallion.
April 28, 1865 Here is a letter from Wendell Phillips, and then an article from the Anti-Slavery Standard, indicating some of the arguments which are current as members discuss the…
April 28, 1865 A correspondent of the New York Tribune has some paragraphs about the visit to Fort Sumter. It includes a presentation made to Garrison by Mr. Dickerson, a…
May 8, 1865 Difficult to summarize, too long to quote, the editor advocates for the dissolution of the AAS. There are then quotes from two papers, the Commonwealth, and the…
May 8, 1865 Sella Martin writes from New York to the Editors of the Evening Post. He protests that colored people will not be included in funeral procession, from Union…
May 12, 1865 This is a talk delivered by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, at Plymouth Church, Brooklyn. He comments on a “first-work” to be done for freed people now that…
May 19, 1865 Henry C. Wright has a strong call for the ballot right for all people. “It is equally base and tyrannical , equally inconsistent with impartial Justice and…
May 26, 1865 Two full pages includes speeches for and against a motion of dissolution of the AASS. The account concludes with assurance that it will be concluded next week.
June 2, 1865 This half-column item is accompanied by a disclaimer that it “was in type before the announcement of the appalling assassination of the President.”
June 2, 1865 More than two full pages of speeches as the AASS considers its continuance. With the decision made not to dissolve the organization, there is a Nominating Committee…
June 9, 1865 This letter is written by Garrison to the Society. He indicates that he will not be free to attend their up-coming meeting, but he assures the Society…
June 9, 1865 An “encouraging meeting” at the Music Hall, is reported here. Judge Thomas Russell and Senator Wilson are among the speakers. The item, written by S. M., Jr.,…
June 16, 1865 “This new department of public affairs is destined, we believe, to fill a valuable and most beneficent place in the reorganization and pacification of the country.” The…
June 23, 1865 Under the Refuge of Oppression column there is a lengthy letter from Augustin L. Taveau, Charleston, addressed to the N. Y. Tribune. The author cites some of…
June 30, 1865 “As the Liberator is to terminate its publication at the close of its present volume, we are glad to be able to commend to its friends and…
July 7, 1865 The article commends the work by Miss Emma Stebbins, indicates that much of the funds for it were collected from children, teachers, people in “the humbler walks…
July 21, 1865 A brief notice indicating that these two colored regiments are soon to be mustered out of the U. S. service, “and may soon be expected home”.
July 21, 1865 Writing from Wayland, Child assures readers that people in the little town are “not so far behind the world’s ways as you may think”. She tells of…
August 4, 1865 Here is an extract “from the able and well-reasoned Address of the Republican State Committee to the People of Massachusetts”. The closing paragraph includes: “..we are confident…
August 4, 1865 Here there is a letter from Major General James Wilson, in which he indicates that Maria Smith, the mother of Ellen Craft, is now living with colored…
August 18, 1865 Here is a condensed abstract of the provisions in the Constitutions of the slave states, in force immediately prior to secession, so far as they bear on…
September 1, 1865 There is a brief article from a correspondent of the Philadelphia Christian Reader, commenting “that the colored citizens are making commendable progress in commercial, moral, social, religious…
September 8, 1865 The men of the Regiment have been paid, received their final pay, and been received back in Boston. Their ship docked at Commercial Wharf, and the route…
September 22, 1865 The editor calls attention to an article from The Nation, and speeches by Charles Sumner and Gerrit Smith, which appear in this edition. Comments on Smith’s speech…
October 13, 1865 On the masthead, in the upper right corner of this edition, is an extract from an unpublished letter from Lincoln to General Wadsworth. Lincoln here speaks of…
October 13, 1865 Colored men in Baltimore have purchased a building, and organized The Douglass Institute, the purpose of which is “the intellectual advancement of the colored portion of the…
October 13, 1865 From the African Repository, is a brief article by Dr. Livingston, the American explorer. He responds to a question he is often asked: “What sort of people…
October 20, 1865 Here is a series of letters purported to illustrate that Garrison has expressed “satisfaction” with the Mississippi Constitution. The editor comments: ” the readers of the Liberator…
November 10, 1865 R. P. Randolph, writes to Garrison, from New Orleans, and tells of eight large schools just established, of which he is Principal, named for Garrison.