March 7, 1845 The Judge sentences Fairbank to hard labor for a total of fifteen years, five years for each of three indictments against him. The three indictments include one…
Category: <span>Hayden, Lewis</span>
August 3, 1849 On the back page of the issue is an ad for Hayden’s clothing store, No. 107 Cambridge St… The announcement refers to Hayden, ” who, it will…
September 7, 1849 A notice signed by Francis Jackson and Ellis Gray Loring that a sum of money remitted to Kentucky, has resulted in Fairbank’s liberation on August 23. The…
October 4, 1850 The meeting was held on Sept 30, at Rev. Samuel Snowden’s church. “The house was densely crowded, and at an early hour many were compelled to leave…
June 20, 1851 An account of the trial indicates that Hayden was charged with aiding in the rescue of Shadrach; defense was conducted by Richard H. Dana, and John P.…
April 1, 1853 A letter to Garrison, from S. M. Jr. commends to all the expanded store, at 121 Cambridge Street. “Let those who are skeptical of what a slave…
June 3, 1859 The Convention is to be held in Boston on the lst of August. Its purpose is to consider the Moral, Social and Political Elevation of colored citizens;…
January 20, 1865 At a Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Masons meeting, a letter from Gov. Andrew to Hayden, is read. With the letter, the Gov. sends “a gavel made…