March 7, 1845 The Judge sentences Fairbank to hard labor for a total of fifteen years, five years for each of three indictments against him. The three indictments include one…
Category: <span>Fairbanks, Calvin</span>
September 7, 1849 A notice signed by Francis Jackson and Ellis Gray Loring that a sum of money remitted to Kentucky, has resulted in Fairbank’s liberation on August 23. The…
April 5, 1850 Dated March 1, from Boston, Fairbank gives an account of his trial, imprisonment, and freedom. He expresses gratitude to people of the city, indicates an intention to…
November 7, 1851 Writing from Jeffersonville, Fairbank tells of the need of Abolitionist speakers in Indiana. “Public sentiment is more pro-slavery here than in Kentucky, because in Kentucky, many of…
December 12, 1851 From Louisville, Nov. 13, Fairbank writes from jail, “once more” for having given aid and comfort to an oppressed slave”. He gives an account of the event,…
December 29, 1854 From Frederick Douglass’s Paper, comes a letter signed by Laura. S. Holland, telling of the severe treatment of Fairbank at the hands of Kentucky authorities, by whom…
May 13, 1864 From the N.Y. Independent comes news that Fairbank, who had served twelve years of a fifteen year sentence, has now been pardoned by the Lieut. Governor, serving…
August 5, 1964 An article said to be a record of an interview with Calvin Fairbank, conducted by a correspondent of the Chicago Tribune. It recounts the story of Fairbank…