January 1, 1864 “We begin this number, the Thirty-fourth volume of the Liberator, and, in wishing our readers one and all a Happy New Year, take this opportunity to thank…
Category: <span>1864</span>
January 1, 1864 New from Missouri, in a speech by Hon. Henry T. Blow, to a large audience at the Union League rooms, Washington. “The latest intelligence from Missouri induces…
January 1, 1864 Under the Refuge of Oppression column, is an article from the Boston Pilot. Addressing the “dire distress” of the time, it calls upon “men who govern” to…
January 8, 1864 “In this period of ‘The Great Transition’ – and especially in that trying portion of it which is yet to come — the great necessity of or…
January 15, 1864 “Think not, that your work will soon be forgotten.” Stanton here assures the women who have been collecting signatures on petitions, that their letters, all will be…
January 29, 1864 Here Garrison speaks of his early years, telling how “I became an Abolitionist”, and giving tribute to Benjamin Lundy. Garrison tells of his early meeting with Lundy,…
February 12, 1864 A brief article includes some of the discussion in the Senate of a bill by Sen. Wilson, of Mass., which was intended to equalize the pay of…
February 19, 1864 Notice of a gathering to honor Thompson, now to visit the United States. “It will be an occasion of historic interest, and we trust eminently creditable to…
February 19, 1864 Commenting on the Thirtieth National Anti-Slavery Subscription Anniversary, Child mentions her excitement at seeing Whittier, “who rarely makes his appearance in public”, and Theodore Weld, whose “hair…
March 4, 1864 A brief notice from the N.Y. Tribune indicates that the Board of Directors of the Fourth Ave Line of the City Railroad “have rescinded their order excluding…
March 11, 1864 This article signed by “D.B. H.”, from Providence tells of discussion in the House “Committee of Education”, of a petition by three hundred colored citizens, asking for…
March 18, 1864 In the introduction to this editorial there is a comment on the purpose of non-involvement in political parties. “Standing, as we have stood for more than thirty…
March 18, 1864 This is a recommendation that the petitions for equal school rights be granted. It is signed the Chairman of the Committee on Education, and four others.
April 1, 1864 A brief article comments that, “The failure of the President’s scheme of colonization of the Freedmen in Central America, does not surprise those who have given the…
May 13, 1864 From the Atlantic Monthly for May, is an item about a “sketch from South Carolina, by a young lady of African blood, well known to many of…
May 13, 1864 This is based on a letter from Canton, Miss. Published in the Atlanta Appeal, April 13. It is introduced as “evidence that the rebels are determined to…
May 13, 1864 Here is a Joint resolution for amending the Constitution, as it passed the Senate. There were six negative votes. “It is believed that the requisite two-thirds vote…
May 13, 1864 From the N.Y. Independent comes news that Fairbank, who had served twelve years of a fifteen year sentence, has now been pardoned by the Lieut. Governor, serving…
June 10, 1864 A long article by Charles K. Whipple begins: “It is plain enough that President Lincoln is not disposed to do justice to the colored people, either in…
June 17, 1864 Here is an account of the Convention at which Lincoln and Johnson were nominated, including the platform adopted. It includes some references to the humor for which…
June 17, 1864 “Thanks to the persevering earnestness of a few noble and earnest men in the present Congress, we seem to have arrived at the day and hour when…
June 24, 1864 This article tells of a gathering at “the colored church of which Rev. Leonard Grimes is the pastor. They assembled to present Gov. Andrew with a portrait…
July 8, 1864 Henry C. Wright’s letter to Garrison lists twenty-four events which occurred after March 4, 1861, the date of Lincoln’s inauguration. Wright lists them so that those who…
July 29, 1864 From the Plymouth Memorial, comes an article of extraordinary commendation of Garrison. “It has been too much the tendency of reformers to assume an attitude of hostility…
August 5, 1964 An article said to be a record of an interview with Calvin Fairbank, conducted by a correspondent of the Chicago Tribune. It recounts the story of Fairbank…
August 12, 1864 The letter is addressed to Garrison, as “My Dear Friend”. Smith fears that, because of its support of Lincoln, some of its old patrons are giving up…
August 26, 1864 Under the Refuge of Oppression column, is a poem, from the Mobile Southern Tribune. It is titled, The Heavy Curse, and is seven verses. For flavor of it…
August 26, 1864 From the N. Y. Tribune, here is an article, which positively affirms the condition of slaves emancipated a year ago by Holland, in Surinam. The writer quotes…
August 26, 1864 Addressed to Garrison, Tappan regrets that he cannot attend a meeting to which Garrison has invited him, in Philadelphia, due to his age and infirmity. “During the…
September 9, 1864 A large and enthusiastic meeting was held to celebrate the recent victories of the Union army at Atlanta and Mobile. Speakers include Gov. Andrew, Senators Wilson and…
September 23, 1864 Douglass writes about a letter of his recently sent to an English correspondent, and published subsequently in the Liberator. Douglass comments on that letter, and in the…
October 7, 1864 William Cooper Nell writes to Garrison, and includes portions of letters he has received from four colored soldiers. “They contain a record of aspirations cherished, heroic deeds…
October 14, 1864 This is a telegraphic report of the Boston Journal, of the Convention, held in Syracuse. Douglass was chosen as permanent chairman. Others noted for leadership include, J.…
November 11, 1864 “No Presidential Election has ever occurred at all comparable in magnitude, solemnity and far-reaching consequences to the one which came off on Tuesday last. The hosts of…
December 2, 1864 With attention to the question of an amnesty for rebelling states and reconstruction of the government, this discussion ends with an affirmation of Lincoln’s assertion that “whether…
December 30, 1864 Here is notice that the subscription price of the paper will be increased, from $3 to $3.50 per year.
December 30, 1864 “The abolition of slavery in this country is the release of a population as large as that of all New England from a tyranny which crushed all…