July 20, 1860 Here are some of Garrison’s words: “Now, in regard to the Republican party. Our friend (Senator Wilson) truly said, it is not an anti-slavery party. If it…
Category: <span>Lincoln, Abraham</span>
March 8, 1861 Commenting on the address, which appears in preceding columns, the article makes several points. “His argument against Southern secessionists is compact and conclusive.” “The position of the…
July 12, 1861 A small item at the bottom of a page: “The President’s Message was communicated to Congress on Friday last. It is of moderate length, dispassionate but firm…
September 6, 1861 The article is by “C.K.W.”, and is written in response to a correspondent of the Independent, who has “argued against a proposal that the President proclaim freedom…
September 20, 1861 The article first commends the action of Gen. Fremont, “emancipating under martial law all the slaves belonging to the rebel slaveholders in Missouri”. It then notes that…
March 14, 1862 President Lincoln has urged that the United States offer “pecuniary cooperation” in case any slave state should adopt a gradual emancipation of slavery, including compensation “for the…
May 23, 1862 “..Was any thing ever more weak or more pitiable than this?…His plea is, that the Emancipation Order was ‘producing some excitement and misunderstanding’. Yes, glorious excitement in…
August 22, 1862 The text of the President’s address, here cited, appears in the Refuge of Oppression column, but here is comment on it by the editor. The occasion was…
August 29, 1862 Here is the famous, and often-quoted text of Lincoln’s letter, in which the President comments on his desire to save the Union.
October 3, 1862 ‘The Chicago delegation, recently with the President, presented to him a memorial in favor of national emancipation, adopted by Christians of all denominations, at a meeting held…
December 5, 1862 After expressing a belief that “the President is not competent to write his own official papers.”, editorial comments focus on ” what the President submits as his…
August 7, 1863 Here is an order by President Lincoln, insuring that there should be “no distinction as to color in the treatment of prisoners of war as public enemies”. …
September 11, 1863 “Our nation has made a long step forward in its course toward victory….Even if we creep slowly onward, hereafter as heretofore, it is now made certain that…
January 8, 1864 “In this period of ‘The Great Transition’ – and especially in that trying portion of it which is yet to come — the great necessity of or…
March 18, 1864 In the introduction to this editorial there is a comment on the purpose of non-involvement in political parties. “Standing, as we have stood for more than thirty…
June 10, 1864 A long article by Charles K. Whipple begins: “It is plain enough that President Lincoln is not disposed to do justice to the colored people, either in…
June 17, 1864 Here is an account of the Convention at which Lincoln and Johnson were nominated, including the platform adopted. It includes some references to the humor for which…
August 26, 1864 Under the Refuge of Oppression column, is a poem, from the Mobile Southern Tribune. It is titled, The Heavy Curse, and is seven verses. For flavor of it…
September 23, 1864 Douglass writes about a letter of his recently sent to an English correspondent, and published subsequently in the Liberator. Douglass comments on that letter, and in the…
November 11, 1864 “No Presidential Election has ever occurred at all comparable in magnitude, solemnity and far-reaching consequences to the one which came off on Tuesday last. The hosts of…
March 10, 1865 The Address is printed here, with this introduction: “It is without a parallel for brevity, and also for the contrite spirit and reverent recognition of the chastising…
April 21, 1865 The interior pages of the paper are lined between each column with black the length of the page. These pages are filled with news on The Assassination…
April 28, 1865 A brief, simple announcement of the completed medallion.
June 2, 1865 This half-column item is accompanied by a disclaimer that it “was in type before the announcement of the appalling assassination of the President.”
October 13, 1865 On the masthead, in the upper right corner of this edition, is an extract from an unpublished letter from Lincoln to General Wadsworth. Lincoln here speaks of…