Category: <span>Suffrage</span>

An item titled Negro Suffrage  indicates that the House of Representatives in Connecticut has recently voted  by 164 to 33 not to recommend expunging the word “white” in the clause…

1838 Legislatures of North & South Right to Vote Suffrage

March 18, 1842  The Executive Committee of the Rhode Island State Anti-Slavery Society has voted resolutions calling for the state to remove from its Constitution the word “white”, which restricts…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1842 Anti-Slavery Organizations Rhode Island Suffrage

July 4, 1845 Under Refuge of Oppression, there is an item, unsigned, source The Hudson N.Y. River Chronicle: “The great majority of our negroes are poor, ignorant, lazy, worthless wretches,…


January 29, 1847 Here is a long article, under the title above, with no designation of source, except that reference is made to New York state.   It concludes:  “I fain…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1847 Females Suffrage Women rights

January 9, 1852 An item by Wendell Phillips, urges upon all readers to circulate petitions to the legislature, asking for the “extension of the elective privilege to women”.  Those petitions…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1852 Phillips, Wendell Suffrage Women rights

October 22, 1852 Included is a letter from Harriet Hunt, 32 Green St., Boston, in which she addresses The Treasurer and Assessors of the City.  It is a “protest against…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1852 Females Suffrage Women rights

June 3, 1853 Record of a meeting in the Senate Chamber, filled to overflowing with a highly respectful and intellectual audience, gathered to hear Lucy Stone and Wendell Phillips, who…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1853 Phillips, Wendell Stone, Lucy Suffrage Women rights

November 17, 1854 Here is an item which indicates that Beecher has recently, in a lecture, avowed himself “a convert to the doctrine in women’s voting !!!”  He indicated ”…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1854 Beecher, Henry Ward Suffrage Women rights

September 5, 1856 The colored citizens met in the vestry of the Twelfth Baptist Church, with John J. Smith, calling the meeting to order.  The meeting resolves to endorse the…

1856 Rock, John Suffrage

June 25, 1858 This petition to the Senate and House of the General Court of Massachusetts.  The petition demands the right of suffrage for women, “a right which involves all…

1858 Petition Drives Suffrage

May 12, 1865 This is a talk delivered by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, at Plymouth Church, Brooklyn. He comments on a “first-work” to be done for freed people now that…

1865 Beecher, Henry Ward Suffrage

May 19, 1865 Henry C. Wright has a strong call for the ballot right for all people.  “It is equally base and tyrannical , equally inconsistent with impartial Justice and…

1865 Suffrage

July 21, 1865 Writing from Wayland, Child assures readers that people in the little town are “not so far behind the world’s ways as you may think”.   She tells of…

1865 Child, Lydia Maria Suffrage

August 4, 1865 Here is an extract “from the able and well-reasoned Address of the Republican State Committee to the People of Massachusetts”. The closing paragraph includes: “..we are confident…

1865 Suffrage

August 18, 1865 Here is a condensed abstract of the provisions in the Constitutions of the slave states, in force immediately prior to secession, so far as they bear on…

1865 Suffrage

October 13, 1865 On the masthead, in the upper right corner of this edition, is an extract from an unpublished letter from Lincoln to General Wadsworth.  Lincoln here speaks of…

1865 Lincoln, Abraham Suffrage

December 8, 1865 A New England convention of colored people gathered at the Twelfth Baptist Church, Southac Church. Several resolutions are passed, in substance, urging the right to vote for…

1865 Colored Convention Suffrage