January 21, 1859 As a memorial signed by William Cooper Nell, is brought before the Legislature, asking for the vindication and protection of the rights of colored citizens. Rep. Mr.…
Category: <span>1859</span>
January 21, 1859 Parker and Beecher have recently participated in a lecture series in the city. Beecher has been assailed by the New York Examinar, an orthodox journal, “subjecting to…
February 4, 1859 Under the Refuge of Oppression column, an article from the Paris (Kentucky) Flag, begins with a listing of mules, colts, stock cattle which are for sale. The…
February 18, 1859 A letter to Garrison, from Rock, indicates that his health has so improved, that he has been able to resume the practice of his profession. He has…
February 18, 1859 “Oregon, with its tyrannical constitution, outlawing all free colored persons, was admitted to the Union on Saturday last, by a vote of 114 to 103 in the…
February 25, 1859 Here is an appeal from Susan B. Anthony, directed To The Readers of The Liberator in the State of New York. Anthony calls for women to sign…
March 18, 1859 This notice recalls for readers that Buffum was the first President of the New England (now the Massachusetts) Anti-Slavery Society”
March 18, 1859 S. M. Seaver, writes from Vermont, proud that “passage of the Personal Liberty Bill by our Legislature must be hailed by every friend of freedom….as an unmistakable…
March 18, 1859 Two articles, one from the Boston correspondent of the Anti-Slavery Journal, and another from the Boston Christian Watchman, which calls, since the “State is making land about…
March 25, 1859 An account of a Convention, recently held in Worcester, in which fifty clergymen and laymen formed The Church Anti-Slavery Society of the United States. They could not…
March 25, 1859 Here is a list by town of the number of persons who have signed the petitions “for a law to prevent the Rendition of any fugitive slave…
April 1, 1859 From the New York Commercial Advertiser comes an account of the “brutal and disgraceful manner” in which a lady from Brooklyn was recently driven from Aiken, S.C. …
April 8, 1859 An extended accounting of Buffum’s anti-slavery witness, a man “of untiring zeal, indomitable courage, unwearied diligence”.
April 8, 1859 An account of the action of the House of Representatives, which by a vote of 84 to 132 failed to pass the bill which was designed to…
April 8, 1859 “Three young men want places to wait and tend in public houses. Apply to the Anti-Slavery Office, or by letter to Francis Jackson.”
April 15, 1859 In the Refuge of Oppression Column, from the Boston Post, a statement that the defeat of the Personal Liberty Bill, “is the first fruits of a reaction…
April 29, 1859 From the Boston Traveler, a notice that during 1858, in Boston, nine colored males married to white women, the same number as in 1857. “There is not…
May 20, 1859 From the Boston Journal, a notice from the Hyannis Messenger indicates that a brig came into port on the 8th, with a fugitive slave aboard. He made…
June 3, 1859 The Convention is to be held in Boston on the lst of August. Its purpose is to consider the Moral, Social and Political Elevation of colored citizens;…
June 10, 1859 Notice of a series of lectures to be delivered at Tremont Temple by Prof. Fowler. The notice also indicates that examinations are available daily by Prof. Fowler,…
June 17, 1859 This brief article tells that William Wells Brown has recently given an “entertaining and instructive dissertation on Love, Courtship, and Marriage”, at the Joy Street church. Also…
June 17, 1859 Recently convened in Baltimore, there is an article about resolutions passed. Comment by the editor includes: “They are troubled that so many slaves run away; and they…
July 29, 1859 An article summarizes resolutions passed at a convention held at Montrose, Pa., Sept 4, 1858, The call illustrates the wide concern among the Colored population, that the…
August 5, 1859 At the gathering celebrating West India Emancipation, Garrison, in his speech comments on a recent visit to Plymouth. “… on going down to the world-famous Rock, I…
August 19, 1859 Here are several articles devoted to the memory of Horace Mann.
August 19, 1859 The last page of the paper is devoted to the Convention, held in Boston, August 1st, with promise of more news in the next edition of the…
August 26, 1859 A brief article commends “the intelligent, dignified and orderly manner in which those proceedings were conducted throughout…” It comments on the wide coverage given in the daily…
August 26, 1859 The Aug 26 edition includes that it is Vol xxix, No. 34 , whole number 1606 The Sep 2 edition includes that it is Vol xxix, No.…
September 2, 1859 C. C. Burleigh writes to Garrison, calling attention to an error in numbering of the paper. The paper for Nov. 12th, 1858, is numbered 1456, the next…
September 2, 1859 An article from the Richmond Enquirer lists prices brought for slaves on the Richmond market. For instance: Men, 20 to 26 years, from $1450 to $1500….girls, from…
September 9, 1859 Under the Refuge of Oppression column, here are extracts of a speech by Davis, before the Democratic State Convention, in Mississippi, July 1859. The speech is statement…
September 9, 1859 An article urges people to circulate two petitions, one urging the legislators of Massachusetts to enact legislation which will put an end to slave-hunting in the state,…
September 9, 1859 An article tells of the inaugural of the Webster statue, in front of the State House, which is soon to take place. “Of course, Edward Everett is…
September 16, 1859 An article on the inauguration of the statue, scheduled for the next day, calls for petitions to the state legislators to remove the statue from the State…
October 21, 1859 The article indicates that action of the Board has severed the Choctaw Mission from the Board, including a resolution adopted urging that missionaries should “put away from…
October 21, 1859 A great portion of a page is given to dispatchs, providing initial details about the John Brown raid at Harper’s Ferry. Dispatchs come from Baltimore, Monocacy Bridge,…
October 28, 1859 A long article begins with praise for John Brown: “.. all who know him personally are united in the conviction that a more honest, conscientious, truthful, brave,…
October 28, 1859 In the Refuge of Oppression column, an article from the N.Y. Journal of Commerce, begins: “No wonder that some of the leading organs of Republicanism writhe under…
October 28, 1859 There are two letters commending the lectures of Holley in parts of Maine. “And it is certainly a hopeful omen, that ministers, lawyers, members of the State…
November 4, 1859 The Executive Committee of the American Anti-Slavery Society calls upon people to observe that “tragical event, on the day of its occurrence, in such manner as by…
November 4, 1859 An excerpt of Child’s words: “Brave old man! Brave and generous, though sadly mistaken in his mode of operation. Whether they put him to death, or he…
November 4, 1859 Here is notice that the Fifth Fraternity Lecture promised by Douglass did not occur. “Mr. Douglass, however, did not appear, and the explanation of his absence by…
November 4, 1859 A description of the Conclusion of the First Day of the Trial is included.
November 11, 1859 A large part of this edition is devoted to response to Harper’s Ferry, and to Brown. Letter from Frederick Douglass Some excerpts: “The taking of Harper’s Ferry…
November 11, 1859 In a lecture at Tremont Temple, Emerson referred to Brown: “The Saint, whose fate yet hangs in suspense, but whose martyrdom, if it shall be perfected, will…
November 11, 1859 “Thousands of hearts are throbbing with sympathy as warm as mine. I think of you night and day, bleeding in prison, surrounded by hostile faces, sustained only…
November 18, 1859 From the Utica Herald comes notice that Smith is an inmate of the New York State Lunatic Asylum, “where it has been found necessary to place him…
November 25, 1859 An account of a gathering at Tremont Temple, “sympathizing with the family of John Brown in their poverty and distress”. Included is a speech by Ralph Waldo…
November 25, 1859 A note indicates that Sumner has arrived at his home on Hancock Street. “He is in good health, and looking well, and was not injuriously affected by…
December 2, 1859 Notice of a meeting at Tremont Temple, and listing of speakers, on the occasion of the execution