Under Refuge of Oppression is an excerpt from a speech by Webster, on June 11th, in Alexandria, D.C. The article claims that Webster has “shamelessly avowed his own subserviency ,…
Category: <span>Webster, Daniel</span>
October 14, 1842 Here is an item from the Emancipator, titled, Daniel Webster and the ‘Great Compromiser’. “….Daniel Webster went down to Alexandria and Richmond, and bowed his massive, Herculean…
May 21, 1847 Placed under Refuge of Oppression, is an article from the Charleston Courier, dated May 8, about a visit and reception of Daniel Webster, at the Charleston Hotel. Franklin…
February 18, 1848 Here is a complaint that Webster, who receives eight dollars a day, has “scarecely given a vote in the Senate during the present session”. … “What to…
March 15, 1850 “What if Daniel Webster has betrayed the cause of liberty, bent his supple knees anew to the Slave Power, and dishonored the State which he was sent…
March 22, 1850 The speech by Phillips occupies almost one-half of this edition of the paper.
March 29, 1850 There was a “Great Meeting in Faneuil Hall”,with a “large concourse of citizens”. Speakers include Samuel E. Sewall, Esq., Theodore Parker, Wendell Phillips, and a letter from…
April 5, 1850 Under the Refuge of Oppression column, commendations of Webster’s speech are printed, from the Boston Courier, the Charleston Courier, Norfolk (Va) Herald, Mobile Daily Advertiser, The Richmond…
April 5, 1850 Report of a crowded meeting at Belknap Street church, protesting Webster’s speech. William Nell presents resolutions against Webster; others present include Coffin Pitts, John Hilton, George Washington,…
April 12, 1850 Under the Refuge of Oppression column, titled The Late Satanic Speech of Daniel Webster, there is an Approval of the Speech!, from the Boston Daily Advertiser, April…
April 12, 1850 From the New York Herald is an article about the death of Calhoun, which raises the question of who shall be his successor as “great man of…
July 26, 1850 An item from the Ohio A.S. Bugle, indicating that “the term for which this base man was elected to the U.S. Senate ends on March 4th, 1851” …
August 9, 1850 From the Republican: “The appointment of Mr. Webster, after the course he had pursued for the last five months, is about as good evidence of Fillmore’s devotion…
December 27, 1850 A long article about Webster, titled “The Great Apostate”, recounts a view of Webster’s change since 1837, when “his vision was clear and his judgment sound”, and…
October 29, 1852 Edmund Quincy, writing as editor, in the absence of Garrison, comments on Webster. He has “no praise from Mr. Webster”, but “has no disposition to employ bitter…
November 5, 1852 The letter by Quincy, from the previous week, is repeated. There is also a long sermon on Webster, by Theodore Parker, begun here, concluded in the next…
January 27, 1854 An article disparages a gathering of the Massachusetts Webster Association, to a honor his birthday. “No matter how deformed or monstrous the idol may be, its worshippers…
April 25, 1856 From the Liberty Bell for 1856 comes an article by Chapman, excoriating Webster, and describing him as a slave to slave masters, and that, “after twelve years…
December 12, 1856 A letter from Webster, Feb 15th is sent to a Rev. Dr. Furness, who had written to Webster earlier. In it Webster recounts his life-long abhorrence of…
March 18, 1859 Two articles, one from the Boston correspondent of the Anti-Slavery Journal, and another from the Boston Christian Watchman, which calls, since the “State is making land about…
September 9, 1859 An article tells of the inaugural of the Webster statue, in front of the State House, which is soon to take place. “Of course, Edward Everett is…
September 16, 1859 An article on the inauguration of the statue, scheduled for the next day, calls for petitions to the state legislators to remove the statue from the State…