January 7, 1848 From the New England Puritan, and placed under Refuge of Oppression, ” .. we have a multitude of reforms, so entitled, which assail the church and the…
Category: <span>1848</span>
January 21, 1848 From Frederick Douglass’s North Star there is an account of the Bazaar, from Douglass, who indicates that “It was our lot to make the last anti-slavery speech…
January 28, 1848 “Do they suppose that slaveholders, in open violation of their laws, will allow their slaves to have the Bible? How do they mean to get the Bible…
January 28, 1948 “The past week is memorable in the history of the colored people of this State, if not of the Union, by the first appearance in the Courts…
January 28, 1948 “Four numbers of the Star have been issued, and they are sufficient to indicate what will be its character, and the probability of its success. They have…
February 11, 1848 A notice of two recent concerts by the Hutchinsons, at the Melodeon, with new songs and music, to crowded audiences. “…they are always listed (sic) to with…
February 18, 1848 Here is a complaint that Webster, who receives eight dollars a day, has “scarecely given a vote in the Senate during the present session”. … “What to…
February 25, 1848 A notice that there will be a hearing at the State House, before the Judiciary Committee, on the coming Friday afternoon. The Committee will be addressed on…
March 3, 1848 A notice that, because of the death of Mr. Adams, the hearing has been postponed. Until next week, probably. In a tone of sarcasm, a claim is…
March 3, 1848 “This ambitious and inflated leader of the cottonocracy, has done more, perhaps, than any other man, to repress the rising spirit of anti-slavery in New England.”
March 3, 1848 An item from the National Intelligencer tell of the death of Adams on the floor of Congress.
March 10, 1848 Washington correspondent of the Emancipator, Henry Stanton, gives an account of Adams’ death.
March 17, 1848 Under Refuge of Oppression, is an item from the Ashland, Ohio Standard, dated Sept 2, 1847. It names the three as holding forth to the good people…
March 24, 1848 From the Dover Morning Star is a declaration of Sentiments in opposition to slavery. The statement appends at least three hundred individual names of Ministers.
March 24, 1848 This is titled as a “Sketch” of Phillips remarks before the committee… and a promise of other portions which the Editor hopes to include in future papers.
March 31, 1848 An item from the N.Y. Journal of Commerce, placed under Refuge of Oppression, praises the “independent Republic of free blacks on the Continent of Africa”. The editor,…
March 31, 1848 From the Boston Post, there is an item, which gives space to recount the speech by Phillips, and then comments on the effect of Garrison as he…
March 31, 1848 “The Provisional Government acknowledged by Great Britain and the United States – Slavery abolished in the French Colonies —All Europe Shaken” This heading introduces several items describing…
April 7, 1848 The Committee on the Judiciary “have reported ‘leave to withdraw’. “Of course, in the present inert state of public sentiment, it was not expected that they would…
April 28, 1848 In the context of an exchange between Garrison and Jesse Hutchinson, Jr., there is reference to a recent concert in which the family has sung praise of/to…
May 19, 1848 Henry C. Wright writes from a hall in New York, the Minerva Rooms, in Broadway, May 10. He speaks of the meeting of the AASS, the day…
May 26, 1848 An article telling of a meeting at Faneuil Hall, largely attended, ” to sympathize with the European Revolution and express the sentiments of the laboring class in…
May 26, 1848 A letter to Garrison, from “Stapleton”, in Harwich. The writer indicates that for the last month he has received unsolicited, copies of the Liberator, to which he…
June 16, 1848 Here are remarks by Theodore Parker, delivered at the Melodeon, March 5, 1848 In the same paper there is a “sketch” of Parker’s speech at Faneuil…
June 23, 1848 Here is an item about prejudice at the Charlestown dry dock. Dissatisfaction arose among a portion of the workmen “because two colored men, (both fugitives from slavery),…
June 23, 1848 A letter from Henry C. Wright to James Haughton, Dublin, Ireland. It refers to Sayers, Drayton, and English, of the schooner Pearl, who tried to help 77…
June 30, 1848 Under Refuge of Oppression, reports a bill reported by Mr. Butler, in the Senate, from the Judiciary Committee. (The bill is clearly a pre-cursor to portions of the…
July 14, 1848 A letter from Garnet describes the discrimination he experienced on a train going to Niagara Falls. This includes physical assault …. “I am suffering greatly from my…
July 14, 1848 Garrison indicates that he will seek help from Dr. Ruggles, at his Water Cure Infirmary, at Northampton, and will be absent for about three to four month. …
July 21, 1848 From the Non-Resistant, is a series of statements, in sarcastic style. Here is a sampling: Common Paradoxes A republican slaveholder. An anti-slavery Constitutionalist. An anti-teetotaler temperance man.…
August 4, 1848 Almost two full pages are devoted to a speech by Mann to the House of Representatives in Committee of the Whole, June 30, 1848. It argues for…
August 11, 1848 An article about the Drayton trial and conviction predicts that the “verdict will probably be set aside”. Asserts that three members of the jury, all Irishmen, were…
August 18, 1848 An article challenges the justice of the case, commends the defense offered by Horace Mann, is critical of the Judge, and expresses hope that there might be…
August 18, 1848 An article about a meeting at the Belknap St. Meeting House, with a large attendance, on July 31. Resolutions passed include one which says that the Smith…
August 25, 1848 Here is an article indicating that the jury in the second case has rendered a verdict of guilty. “One thing is certain. These verdicts, and the ruling…
August 25, 1848 A brief article about anti-slavery lectures, by this native of West Brookfield, and Oberlin graduate. It commends her style, indicating that she is “entirely free from the…
September 1, 1848 A letter to Garrison, from Benjamin F. Hathaway tells of a mob which attacked an anti-slavery meeting. Among the speakers listed: Parker Pillsbury, S.S. Foster, Lucy Stone,…
September 15, 1848 An account of a convention, held at the Unitarian Church, in the city of Rochester, August 12. During the convention, W.C. Nell reads an address which he…
September 22, 1848 From the North Star, here is the full letter which Douglass wrote to his former master, on the anniversary of his emancipation. Douglass closes the letter in…
September 22, 1848 An article by Quincy strongly condemns this “representative Body of the Congregational Churches of America”, meeting during the past week. That body “has not withdrawn its former…
October 6, 1848 A brief article, from the Pennsylvania Freeman, tells of Douglass, Delany, and Remond, in Philadelphia, with “the principle object of extending the circulation of the North Star…..…
October 20, 1848 A report of the Convention, held at Cleveland, Sept 6, 7, and 8. A list of resolutions passed is included. A National Central Committee was appointed, including…
October 20, 1848 Here it is announced that there is a third edition of Brown’s narrative of his life, with a new preface, containing a letter from Enoch Price, the…
October 27, 1848 Here is an address by Douglass to delegates at the recently reported Convention, originally published in the North Star of Sept 22. A preface to the article…
November 10, 1848 A brief article by Rev. Dr. Bushnell begins: “It is remarkable that the moral sense of the country is so dulled, in reference to everything that can…
November 10, 1848 Garrison announces his return to the editorship, praises the “ability, industry, and fidelity of Quincy, and then says that the water cure treatment has improved his health…
December 1, 1848 THE BLOOD OF THE SLAVE ON THE SKIRTS OF THE NORTHERN PEOPLE is the title and content of an article by Douglass.