Two Colored Persons Ejected from the Howard Atheneum — Suits Commenced. On Friday evening, as we learn from a correspondent, two colored men named Julian B. McCrea and John Stephenson, were forcibly ejected from the Howard Atheneum. It appears that they had purchased tickets for the family circle, but on presenting themselves at the entrance to that part of the theatre were told that they could not be admitted. Thinking that they had a right of entrance after having bought tickets in the usual manner, Messrs. McCrea and Stephenson insisted on going in. The police were called, and after considerable excitement, they were rejected. On Saturday suits were brought against the lessee and manager, Mr. R.G. Marsh, who gave bonds in $1000 to answer the same in January , at which time the cases will be tried. — Boston Bee
(Liberator, Dec 26, 1865, pg 3)