Died at Greenfield, Kilgobbin, county of Dublin, on Wednesday, 16th July, Hannah Webb, beloved wife of Richard D. Webb, aged 52 years and 7 months. Her death was occasioned by an attack of rheumatic fever, which became complicated with an affection of the heath, and was attended with difficulty of breathing and extreme prostration ………………..
……………..The following eloquent tribute, by Mr. John Stuart Mill, to the memory of his deceased wife, strongly impressed the present writer, many years ago, as being entirely applicable to the subject of this notice: — “While she was the light, life, and grace of every society in which she took part, the foundation of her her character was a deep seriousness, resulting from the combination of the strongest and most sensitive feelings with the highest principles. …...” London Anti-Slavery Advocate, August 1…………
……………..To all the praises bestowed upon the memory and character of this noble woman, by the Advocate, we heartily respond; for we hold her, while living, in the very highest estimation, knowing personally her rare worth, and prizing her friendship at a high rate. …. Our beloved friend, Richard D. Webb, will need no assurance from us, that we deeply sympathize with him and his children, in view of the great bereavement which they have been called to suffer …. Ed. Lib. (Liberator, August 15, 1862, pg 3)