Died, at Newton, on the 28th, ult., JOHN KENRICK, Esq. President of the New England Anti-Slavery Society, aged 77. We can scarcely find language to express our feelings in relation to this afflictive dispensation. Mr. Kenrick has long been distinquished as a philanthropist. His generosity to the poor, his sympathy for the afflicted, and his activity in the cause of benevolence, have secured him an affectionate remembrance in the hearts of all who knew him. He was an Abolitionist in the true sense of the word. He has contributed, at different time, $600 to promote the objects of the New England Anti-Slavery Society. Hi s funeral was attended y a large number of the friends of the Abolition cause in this city, and by a numerous concourse of the citizens of Newton. We have not room in this number to say more. We hope soon to publish a sketch of his life, which shall do honor to his character and memory.
(Liberator, April 6, 1833, pg 3)