FEMALE INFLUENCE — We are more than half persuaded, that the country must look to female virtue and patriotism for emancipation form slavery — mental as well as physical, rather than to men. For aid in any moral enterprise, or ,moral reform, we make our appeal to the ladies, and they speak out in a spirit of frankness and independence the sentiments of their hearts; but if we ask the countenance and support of men in such cases, they show a cowardly fear of their their fellow men — they will look round slyly and cautiously to see whether this measure is like to be popular — whether it will aid or injure them in business, whether people of influence and fashion will approve of it, or oppose it —whether it will be likely to help them to office, or raise them to honor and power. We look in vain for that cordiality, decision and directness of action which may always be found in the female character. — Boston Christian Herald.
(Liberator, March 17, 1832, pg 2)