The following letter has been received from the Count Alexander De Laborde at Paris, Secretary of the French Society for the Abolition of Slavery. I deem it an honor to be associated, by election, with the distinquished philanthropists whose names are affixed to the letter, and their benevolent colleagues, — not on account of the high conventional rank which they hold in France, but because the object of pursuit is one of mercy, and good-will to a people scattered and peeled, out, and trodden under foot, and one of glory to God in the highest….. a powerful union is now formed between the abolitionists of England, France, and America, for the extirpation of slavery and the slave trade from the face of the whole earth. ‘A three-fold cord is not easily broken’. In this grand alliance, other nations will be invited to join, and the glorious work of redemption will be consummated in due time, wherever a slave pines in bondage. Paris, July 23, 1836
La Rochefoucault Liancourt,
AL. Laborde
ISAMBERT Mr. Garrison, Editor of the Liberator, Boston
(Liberator, Oct.1, 1836, pg 3)